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Privacy Statement

1. Purpose and Responsible Body

The processing of personal data in the context of the use of this website serves to provide and enable scientific publications. The data collected as part of this processing includes the data of registered users (all persons directly involved in the publication process).

In addition, personal data is processed as part of general security precautions to ensure the availability and integrity of this website. This applies to the data of both registered and unregistered users of the site.

The team of editors acts as data collector for this open access journal:

Umweltpsychologie e.V.
Vereinsregisternummer: VR 84872 (Amtsgericht Darmstadt)

Postal address: EPO, c/o Mathias Hofmann, TU Dresden, CODIP, 01062 Dresden

2. Categories of Processed Data

2.1 General

When this website is accessed, the user’s IP address and the URL accessed are recorded and stored. The ”Open Journal Systems” software used also uses a cookie to record correct access figures.

The web analysis service Matomo is used to optimize the website. Matomo is an open source software for website optimization that uses cookies to anonymously evaluate website visitor access. During this processing, the IP address is anonymized immediately after it is collected and before it is stored and analyzed. No further processing of personal data therefore takes place when Matomo is used. The information generated by the cookies about the use of this website is not used for personal evaluation or profiling and is also not passed on to third parties.

2.2 Registered Users

The self-chosen access data is stored in the database of the Open Journal System for the purpose of user authentication. In addition, user details, in particular submissions, reviews, uploaded files for submissions and galley proofs are stored permanently. Furthermore, in the case of accepted submissions, the stored data of the authors will be partially published together with the submission.

3. Storage Duration

3.1 General

The cookie set up by “Open Journal Systems” to distinguish site visitors for statistical purposes stores session information in the user’s browser. This data can be deleted by the user at any time. Alternatively, the cookies are automatically deleted after 30 days without using the site. The IP addresses of the users in combination with the URL accessed are stored for a period of 14 days and then deleted. The log files contained in backup copies are stored for longer, but are deleted after 45 days at the latest.

3.2 Registered Users

The personal data of registered users outside the log files mentioned in 3.1 are stored permanently and are partially published in accordance with the explanations in 2.2. The deletion takes place when the publication of a journal is discontinued after a period of 3 years.

4. Submission of Contributions for Publication

The personal data of the users of this website are processed by the Saxon State Library - Dresden State and University Library within the framework of an order processing agreement.

Authors can use the site to submit articles for publication (after going through a review process if necessary). By submitting their contributions, authors agree to the publication of their contribution and their personal details (e.g. name, affiliation, e-mail address and ORCID ID, if applicable). Once the contribution has been published, it is no longer possible to delete the corresponding data completely.

5. Rights of the data subjects

All persons whose data are processed may have, in accordance with Art. 12 et seq. GDPR, the right to information, access, rectification, erasure, blocking, objection and data portability as well as the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority.

Users can send an informal email to to assert these rights, to withdraw consent and for all concerns and questions about data protection. To submit a contribution as an author, it is necessary to provide an e-mail address and the author's first name and surname; further information is optional.