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About the Journal

Journal Scope

Environmental Psychology Open (EPO) aims to contribute to using psychological knowledge and methods to help shape and sustainably improve our current and future living environments. Therefore, we publish contributions in environmental psychology that advance our understanding of, for example:

  • the relationship between humans and their environments
  • human reactions to and handling of environmental changes
  • the facilitation of the socio-ecological transformation

Contributions must have a psychological focus and should preferably be of practical relevance. Inter- and transdisciplinary contributions are welcome. We publish theoretical and empirical contributions that may draw on different methodological approaches (qualitative, quantitative as well as mixed-methods approaches).

EPO is endorsed by the Environmental Psychology section (Fachgruppe Umweltpsychologie) of the German Psychological Society (DGPs).


Manuscripts can be submitted at any time, in German or in English. All submissions will be subjected to an open peer review process. Manuscripts will be published as soon as they are accepted.

Diamond Open Access

We are glad to offer Diamond Open Access. This means that both reading and publishing comes without any costs – to readers and authors.

Publication Platform

We use the publication platform Qucosa.Journals provided by the Saxon State and University Library (SLUB) in Dresden, which runs Open Journal Systems (OJS). Thanks to SLUB!

Licence and Copyright

Unless indicated otherwise,

  • all content of this journal and this website is published under the Creative-Commons-Lizenz BY 4.0 licence and
  • the copyright of any work published here lies with its author(s).