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We proudly present: Environmental Psychology Open


Looking back on more than 25 years and hundreds of exciting articles in print format of our previous journal Umweltpsychologie, we are now transferring to a more accessible and future-oriented format.

Environmental Psychology Open (EPO) is an online Diamond Open Access journal. This means that neither readers nor authors will have to pay for publications in our journal.

Submissions will be made via an online submission system and fully processed articles will be published directly online. Although the journal will have an English name, we will continue to welcome articles in German.

A particular focus of Environmental Psychology Open will be the promotion of Open Science practices (e.g. by offering Registered Reports and Open Science Badges). We want to continue to offer both younger and experienced scientists in environmental psychology and related fields a publication opportunity for their scientific work, adapted to current scientific requirements.

Contributions from people who work with environmental psychology concepts in practice are also still very welcome.